stormy clouds 2012 094

January 9________________________________________
My health is broken because of my sins. My guilt overwhelms me-it is a burden too heavy to bear. – Psalm 38:3-4(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Did you do something to feel guilty inside?
Is it giving in to sin that makes you hide?
Guilt can overwhelm us and make us ill
It is a tactic that is used by the devil.
Sin can make you sick inside and out
It makes you want to rebel and be proud
God created you as a loving and gentle person
He wants praise him and his one and only Son.
I have had all kinds of illnesses in my life. When I was born, I had polio but thanks to therapies, they were able to cure it at its very first stages. As a young child, I would always have headaches and at about age 10, I had weak lungs and was diagnosed with mild tuberculosis. I also had frequent tonsillitis flare ups that made me experience very high fevers and chills. I had anemia and very low red blood cells. When I turned high school, there were more emotional pains rather than illnesses. In my 20’s I had terrible migraine attacks that would last over two weeks. When I confessed and repented of all my sins, all my illnesses were gone. The bible says that sin can make us literally sick and guilt-stricken.
Lord, thank you for forgiving me when I confessed my sins.
Relate a recent instance when you got sick or burdened because of a sin you committed?
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