May 8
Their graves are their homes forever, their dwelling places to all generations,
Though they called lands by their own names.12 Man in his pomp will not remain;
He is like the beasts that perish.13 This is the path of those who have foolish confidence;
Yet after them people approve of their boasts.
14 Like sheep they are appointed for Sheol; death shall be their shepherd,
And the upright shall rule over them in the morning.
Their form shall be consumed in Sheol, with no place to dwell.
15 But God will ransom my soul from the power of Sheol, for he will receive me.
16 Be not afraid when a man becomes rich, when the glory of his house increases.
17 For when he dies he will carry nothing away; his glory will not go down after him.
18 For though, while he lives, he counts himself blessed
And though you get praise when you do well for yourself—
19 His soul will go to the generation of his fathers, who will never again see light.
20 Man in his pomp yet without understanding is like the beasts that perish.
– Psalm 49:11-20
This psalm of one of the sons of Korah reminds us of man’s mortality and that nothing in life is permanent. No matter how much properties they own with their names on their land titles, they will still perish and cannot take any of their wealth after their deaths. Those who live righteous lives on the other hand will enjoy the promise of God’s redemption from the power of hell. The psalmist gives us words of wisdom to not concern ourselves of things of this world especially of accumulating earthly possessions for it will not matter in the end anyway. Let us boast of how we can live holy lives while we are still on earth rather than concern ourselves with riches that doesn’t have value in eternity.
ADORATION: Praise the Lord, the source of Eternal life.
CONFESSION: Forgive me when I become attach to earthly things.
THANKSGIVING: Thank you for reminding me of my mortality.
SUPPLICATION: May we gather heavenly treasures instead of worldly matters.
• Why does man get so wrapped up with worldly stuff when it doesn’t last forever?