May 27________________________________________
Giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me. -Psalm 50:23 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Each time you are thankful
You become more bountiful
Being grateful is an act of humility
You are giving praise to the Lord Almighty.
When you have an attitude of gratitude
You will increase wisdom in such magnitude
Give thanks to the Lord who is so good
His mercy is fresh each day, he always soothes.
Two psychologists, Dr. Robert A. Emmons and Dr. Michael E. McCullough of the have done much of the research on gratitude. In one study, they asked all participants to write a few sentences each week, focusing on particular topics. One group wrote about things they were grateful for that had occurred during the week. A second group wrote about daily irritations or things that had displeased them, and the third wrote about events that had affected them (with no emphasis on them being positive or negative). After 10 weeks, those who wrote about gratitude were more optimistic and felt better about their lives. Surprisingly, they also exercised more and had fewer visits to physicians than those who focused on sources of aggravation.
The bible tells us that gratitude truly honors the Lord. Whenever we count our blessings and focus on the things we can be thankful for, we are humbling ourselves to glorify the one who gave us all, the Lord Almighty.
Lord, give me a thankful heart always.
How can gratitude change our negative attitude?
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