November 27
They have seen Your procession, God,
The procession of my God, my King, into the sanctuary.
25 The singers went on, the musicians after them,
In the midst of the young women beating tambourines.
26 Bless God in the congregations,
Even the LORD, you who are of the fountain of Israel.
27 Benjamin, the youngest, is there, ruling them,
The leaders of Judah in their company,
The leaders of Zebulun, the leaders of Naphtali.
28 Your God has commanded your strength;
Show Yourself strong, God, You, who acted in our behalf.
29Because of Your temple at Jerusalem
Kings will bring gifts to You. – Psalm 68:24-29
Matthew Henry comments on these following verses. The victories with which God blessed David over the enemies of Israel, are types of Christ’s victory, for himself and for all believers. Those who take him for theirs, may see him acting as their God, as their King, for their good, and in answer to their prayers; especially in and by his word and ordinances. The kingdom of the Messiah shall be submitted to by all the rulers and learned in the world. The people seem to address the king, verse 28. But the words are applicable to the Redeemer, to his church, and every true believer. We pray, that thou, O God the Son, wilt complete thine undertaking for us, by finishing thy good work in us.
In this psalm, David paints a picture of God’s people worshiping Him, marching and singing praises to their God. They always point to the Lord for all their strength and how they are only able to do things because the Lord is always on their defense and looking after their own welfare. God has granted them that desire to bring glory to himself by doing all these miracles in the lives of the Israelites. It is only fitting that they bring all the praise and adulation to the God who is always faithful and loving.
In this world we live in, it is easy to claim credit for God’s work. David reminds us of the importance of remembering what God does in our lives. Are we able to remember all that He has done for us and do we thank Him enough?
• How can we manifest worshiping God and thanking Him in our modern day lives?