GREAT IS THE LORD! Poem Devotional

canadablooms 019-001

October 7________________________________________
Great is the Lord! He is most worthy of praise! He is to be feared above all gods.
– Psalm 96:4(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you remember to give praise to your Lord?
Do you declare his power and give him laud?
Great is the Lord, he is most worthy of praise
Make sure you follow his word and do what it says.
He is the god who created all seen and unseen things
Fear and obey him who has given you everything
He is all-knowing, all-seeing and very powerful
He loves you so much and he is so merciful.
I grew up without idolizing anyone. Unlike my cousins who went crazy over some singers or superstars, I never went gaga over someone famous or rich or popular. The only thing that gets my attention is if it will make me think and search for answers. I was obsessed with knowledge and understanding, so I always hang out with people who are intelligent and curious and pro-active.
The bible tells us how great our God is. He is the only one worthy of praise and he is to be feared above all gods. The trouble with our world today is that it is bombarded with so much things to idolize. It consumes most of our lives as we get obsessed with this thing we clamor much. Let’s give up trivial matters and give God praise.
Lord, I praise and glorify you.
What are the benefits of worshiping and praising God?
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