canadablooms 153 (2)

February 20
Rebellion is as sinful as witchcraft and stubbornness as bad as worshipping idols. – 1 Samuel 15:23(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Are you currently defying an authority in your life?
Do you realize that it snaps out God’s light?
Rebellion is as sinful as witchcraft
It is ignoring the power and the plan of God.
Stubbornness is as bad as worshipping idols
It opens the enemy’s door and makes you vulnerable
Rebellion and stubbornness are sins of pride
It makes life difficult and we lose wisdom and insight.
Does rebellion or stubbornness reside in your home? Many Christians do not realize how much lawlessness and pride can cause havoc in their lives and in their relationships. I can attest to this truth. Rebellion and stubbornness ran in my veins in the past from many generations in my family. I was enslaved with these sins and it caused my life so much pain and suffering. When God showed me in his word that these were sins, I repented quickly and gave it up.
The bible says that rebellion is as sinful as witchcraft and stubbornness as bad as worshipping idols. These sins are very grave and they all originate from pride. The bible says that God is a very jealous god, so if we rebel against all that he wants us to follow, it will all be to our detriment.
Lord, show me to be totally obedient to you.
How can rebellion and stubbornness ruin a relationship?
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