quebec canyon and alton ir 133

February 2
Everyone must submit to governing authority. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God. So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be punished.– Romans 13:1-2NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you respect and come under authority?
Are you struggling to follow them in all capacity?
Everyone must submit to authorities
God anointed them to bring peace and harmony.
When you defy those who are in positions of power
You are rebelling against God and you should cower
When you are lawless and disobedient to authority
You are questioning God’s choice and sovereignty.
I used to have problems with authority figures. My negative experiences with authority from childhood contributed to having formed a resistant attitude towards them. I became very obstinate and rebellious as a coping mechanism so that I will never be hurt by those who have power over me. Defiance became my survival skill to protect myself from being traumatized. When God revealed to me that rebellion was a sin, I repented of every lawless deed I ever made and realized that my life was very hard because of disobedience. The bible tells us that we have to learn to submit to authority. They represent him, so if we don’t follow them, we are also not following God.
Thank you for all authorities in my life.
When is it hard to submit to authority?
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