TO THE OBEDIENT Poem Devotional

December 19
To all who are victorious, who obey me to the very end. To them I will give authority over all the nations. -Revelations 2:26(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When you choose a path of obedience to God
You are showing your devotion and bringing him laud
God promises victory to all who obey his instructions
He gives them authority over all the nations.
Continue to follow all of God’s commands
You will find favor in going through life’s demands
Stay faithful to the truth that will set you free
The Lord will anoint you and you will have peace.
One of the strongholds in my family of origin is rebellion and stubbornness. I learned to be a rebel since I was a young girl. I didn’t know it was a sin that my whole family struggled with because no one was a born again Christian. No one read the bible to know the truth that will set us free. We all followed our own desires and ambitions without any reverence to what the Lord wants for us. Disobedience made my life very challenging because I didn’t even count all the blessings I was receiving. I was blinded by my selfish nature and was just concerned with satisfying my cravings. The bible promises victory to the obedient and God gives them dominion over all nations. When we obey, we show that we love the Lord.
Lord, let me never be disobedient to your will.
Who were the best example in the bible of obedience? How did God repay their faithfulness?
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