March 23
God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs. – Matthew 5:3(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Those who do not ask for help from Christ
They will fail and struggle much in life
God blesses those who realize their need for him
To them, the kingdom of heaven, he will bring.
Wouldn’t you want to be spending eternity with God?
Why continue to be self-sufficient and not bring him laud?
When you acknowledge your weakness and seek his guidance
You are humbling yourself and you’ll receive divine assistance.
Have you ever had a relationship with someone who is so independent that he thinks that he doesn’t need anyone else in his life? They believe the lie that they have it altogether and have no desire to reach out or give help to anyone. They think that in their own strength, they are perfect. What a pity it is to watch these people who have accepted the lie that they are okay without anyone else’s assistance. I have had many relationships with these kind of people. It was draining to be with them because they resist to accept any form of care or love and concern for them.
The bible tells us that those who have realized their need for Christ and others will inherit the kingdom of heaven. He values God-dependence.
Lord, always remind me to be dependent on you.
Why do you think God gives his kingdom to those who acknowledge their need for him?
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