RICH IN CHRIST Poem Devotional

October 14
I know about your suffering and your poverty – but you are rich! -Revelations 2:9(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
The moment you believed in Jesus Christ
You are covered by his love and light
Christ is the King of all kings
You are rich if you believe in him.
You may be suffering from poverty
Stay strong and live for him faithfully
You are the son or daughter of God
You are always unconditionally loved.
Romans 8:17 says “And since we are his children, we are his heirs. In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of God’s glory. But if we are to share his glory, we must also share his suffering.” Those who belong to Christ is definitely going to receive his legacy since we are heirs of him. Everything belongs to Christ, so that means that we are rich. Sometimes it is very difficult to think of our true identity in Jesus because the enemy bombard us with so much lies about our real character. We are his prized possession. We are very valuable to him, his masterpiece.
This verse in Revelation was a message to the church in Smyrna but it is also relevant to us Christians who walk the path to Jesus. We can be afraid of suffering, but if we remain faithful, we will receive the crown of life. The Lord wants us to assert our riches in him.
Lord, never let me lose sight of my true riches in you.
What good can suffering and poverty bring to us?
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