rbg 182 (2)

March 1________________________________________
The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. – John 10:10(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
What does the enemy steal from you?
God promises a rich and a life renewed
Satan will try to kill and destroy your new life
Anchor your whole faculties to Jesus Christ.
Receive the blessings and satisfaction he can bring
Allow yourself to enjoy life, worship him and sing
He is powerful over than the spirit in this world
You can overcome and triumph if you obey his word
There are many occasions that I wasn’t even aware that I have an enemy whose purpose is to steal, kill and destroy me. For many years, I fought this evil within me by my own effort. I take things personally which have crippled me physically, emotionally and spiritually for many decades. Then the word of God convicted me in John 10:10 that brought out in the light all the evil schemes of the enemy. I learned that people were not my foe. It was the devil using those around me, especially those who I am in relationship with to destroy, kill and steal from me. I need not shout at him “Get thee out from me” always. I can fight this wicked creature with the love of Jesus and declare truth aloud so he can’t lie to me.
Lord, keep my eyes and heart open when I am being attacked.
How can you be more aware when you are being attacked?
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