August 1
Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked,
nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers;
2 but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law, he meditates day and night.
3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season,
and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.
4 The wicked are not so, but are like chaff that the wind drives away.
5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous;
6 for the LORD knows the way of the righteous,
but the way of the wicked will perish. – Psalm 1:1-6
Beware, the Lord warns us how we ought to live
We are not to participate in anything that makes us sin
Instead, we ought to ponder on his word day and night
For he delights in those who follow and walk in his light
The upright will be prosperous like a tree by the river
Whose leaves doesn’t scorch despite extreme hot weather
Its roots are anchored on the soil and bears much vegetation
It stands firm and does not shake despite different seasons
Those who choose to go against the Lord wilfully sins
They are like chaff that is blown easily by the wind
In all that they do, they struggle and fail eventually
For they do not heed God’s laws but disobey constantly
They do not care for the righteous or hear God’s word
For they are already judged and stuck in this world.
• What picture do we see from this psalm that talks about righteous and wrong living?
• Why do you think this first psalm became the opening song of the whole book of psalms?
• How is this psalm the best navigation to living our lives?
• How is a tree by streams of water like a Christian besides living water?


December 22________________________________________
Blessed are those who don’t feel guilty for doing something they have decided is right. If you do anything you believe is not right, you are sinning. Romans 14:22 & 23(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When you believe something’s not right
Don’t do it for it will complicate your life
It is a sin when you do what is not true
When you feel guilty, check the truth.
When you seek God and get deep into Scriptures
You’ll learn to fight the battle and be a victor
Blessed are you when you are afraid to do wrong
The Holy Spirit will help you overcome this world.
Researchers at Cornell University estimate we make 226.7 decisions each day on food alone. And as your level of responsibility increases, so does the multitude of choices you have to make. It’s estimated that the average adult makes about 35,000 remotely conscious decisions each day. Each decision, of course, carries certain consequences with it that are both good and bad.
What if our decisions are based on unfounded facts or lies? Can you imagine what it would be like if you are surrounded by things or ideas that are not true? The apostle Paul was explaining to the Romans about how we need to be guided by God’s truth and how blessed are those who don’t feel guilty for doing something they decided is right.
Lord, help me to always decide to do the right thing.
What happens when you continue to do what you believe is wrong?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at


October 30________________________________________
Sing to the Lord, all you godly ones! Praise his holy name. For his anger lasts only a moment but his favor lasts a lifetime. -Psalm 30:4-5(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Praise to the king of kings
Declare your love as you sing
Do not avoid his discipline
It will let you avoid sin.
He may be angry at you momentarily
Repent and confess and he forgives infinitely
He showers the godly with lifetime favors
He treasures deeply those who are faithful.
Have you ever asked someone a favor? Wasn’t it great when they respond to your request? We don’t usually approach strangers or just anyone to ask for favors. We want to make sure that we have a relationship with that person already so that we are assured that we won’t be turned down. I think it is just courtesy to ask something from someone we know either by acquaintance, friendship or kinship. Otherwise, we would fall in the category of “entitled” persons.
In Psalm 30:4-5, we get to have a glimpse of how God loves those who are his people, especially those who worship him in spirit and truth. In these two verses, we see the generosity and mercy that God so easily gives to those who confess and repent of their sins. He showers them with much blessings and favors. So, why don’t all believers avail of these wonderful opportunities?
Thank you for your generosity to all those who faithfully praise and worship you.
How can you avail of such favors from a generous God?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at


August 7________________________________________
Blessed are those who fear to do wrong, but the stubborn are headed for serious trouble.
– Proverbs28:14(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Those who fear the Lord avoid doing wrong
They praise God and follow his word
Those who are stubborn will get in trouble
They are headed for destruction and the rubble.
When you take the path that leads to Jesus Christ
He will renew your mind and transform your life
When you cling to pride and foolishness
You will end up living a life of recklessness.
Have you ever met someone who lived a life of complete abandon? I lived in the distant past with someone who never wanted to plan anything or follow any rules. He just follows his desires and wants. He didn’t care if it will hurt anyone or how he is getting it. He just wants it done for the sake of satisfying his cravings. As a result of this selfish lifestyle, he lost many friends and his relationships with others got smaller and smaller. In his 50’s, he was diagnosed with cancer. I am quite certain that his drinking and unhealthy lifestyle contributed to the illness. He didn’t care to see doctors or get himself checked because it will impede in satiating his desires. The bible says that God blesses those who live righteous and holy lives but the proud and stubborn are headed for trouble.
Thank you Lord for the promise of blessings to those who live holy lives.
How can you open the minds of those who are reckless?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at


July 29________________________________________
The godly will flourish like palm trees and grow like the cedar of Lebanon.
– Psalm 92:12(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
To those who lead a life of holiness
Blessings from the Lord is boundless
In all they do, they usually flourish
God will never let them be impoverished.
Choose to live a life of conviction
It will make you avoid temptations
Like the cedar of Lebanon, they grow very tall
In all they do, God never allows them to fall.
The tallest palm trees can grow as tall as 197 feet like the Quindio wax palm. Archeological finds have shown that the date palm was commonly used in Mesopotamian society, for food and other purposes. Romans gave palm branches as a symbol of triumph to the triumphant champions of games and wars. In the Bible, the people of Jerusalem greeted a triumphant Jesus just one week before his death and resurrection, a tradition now known and celebrated as Palm Sunday the week before Easter. Palms are mentioned dozens of times in both the Bible. The cedar of Lebanon is a tall evergreen tree which has been prized for its high quality timber, oils and resins for thousands of years
No wonder the godly are likened to palm trees and cedars of Lebanon. They are going prosper and flourish because of their righteousness and be looked up because they are anchored on a strong foundation.
Lord, I am grateful that you gave me the opportunity to choose godliness.
How can we stay godly in this very corrupt world?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at


July 9
As the Scriptures say, “No one is righteous—not even one. No one is truly wise; no one is seeking God. – Romans 3:10-11(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
We only get wisdom if we consult the word
No one is truly wise to overcome this world
If we don’t seek God, we will fail to thrive
We will lack blessings if we don’t abide.
Scriptures say, no one is seeking God
Most people have turned their backs
That is why we need to seek him again
It will keep us winning against Satan.
Do you know anyone who is truly righteous, wise and without sin? There is no human who is exempt from sinning. The only person who is sinless is the Lord Jesus Christ. Even though he was God, he became human to save us.
In Romans 3, we are reminded that no human is righteous-not one person. We cannot be truly wise if we turn our backs to God. But in Romans chapter three, we see that we need not compare and judge one another since we are all sinners and that the only way we can be right with God is by abiding in him and meditating and living his word. Apart from him, we are nothing. So, let us all make sure that we seek him and follow his word.
Lord, give me the humility to praise and glorify you always.
How can you be continually wise and righteous?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at

LIVE AND NOT DIE Poem Devotional

October 18
But if wicked people turn away from all their sins and begin to obey my decrees and do what is just and right, they will surely live and not die. All their past sins will be forgotten and they will live because of the righteous things they have done. – Ezekiel 18:21-22(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ?
Turn away from evil and you will have a new life
Do what is just and right so you will surely live
Seek the Lord first and the truth so you’ll be free.
Confess and repent so you will be forgiven
Even here on earth you can experience heaven
Choose to live in truth and you will never die
Christ died so you can be free and live a joyful life.
Do you ever wonder why someone would choose death over life? It doesn’t make sense why we would want to die instead of live. In the physical realm, we normally always choose to live but sometimes we choose death in our spiritual walk. When believers make choices based on their whims and desires, they choose death instead of life. When they knowingly disobey his commands, we lose our right standing with God. God will forgive transform you into the new person he planned for you to be. Choose God and you will never die.
Lord, thank you for dying for me so I can live.
When have you chosen death over life in your spiritual walk? How did God pull you out of death?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at

THE GOD AND WICKED poem devotional

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July 20
The life of the godly is full of light and joy, but the life of the wicked will be snuffed out.
– Proverbs 13:9(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Those who are righteous and godly will be blessed
They will be full of light as they struggle and encounter tests
The life of the godly is full of joy and peace amidst trials
They don’t argue with God or go through a series of denials.
Those who are wicked will find it harder to progress
They are full of evil and will not even confess
The life of the wicked will be snuffed out
They will not have the wisdom or even freedom.
When I became born again, I learned to discern evil ways and wicked people. God gave me bionic eyes to see through the facades that people wear. I don’t judge people’s motives but I watch their actions and attitude. The bible tells us that we will know a believer by the fruit in their lives. If their lives jive with God’s truth, then, you will easily see the manifestations of the Spirit’s fruits. They will be kind, gentle, joyful, patient, loving, good, faithful, peaceful and have self-control. They may not possess all of the gifts at one time, but you will see how they press on to obey God’s will. The godly is full of light while the wicked will be full of darkness.
Lord, show me a way out when I am amidst evil.
Why should we avoid participating in the evil that others do?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at



March 7________________________________________
The Lord still rules from heaven. He watches everyone closely, examining every person on earth. The Lord examines both the righteous and the wicked. He hates those who love violence. – Psalm 11:4-5(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
The Lord watches everyone each moment of each day
He knows what we are thinking and what we’re about to say
Whether people are wicked or godly, he examines them
He patterned man’s hearts to his and so we can be like him.
God detests violence among other wickedness
He didn’t design our hearts for unrighteousness
Give up any forms of evil and violence
God considers it as an act of insolence.
Proverbs 6:16-19 enumerates the seven things that God detests: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that kill the innocent, a heart that plots evil, feet that race to do wrong, a false witness who pours out lies, a person who sows discord in a family. If you closely look at each of these detestable things the Lord hates, they all involve a violation of another person. Why does God hate these things? Remember that the Lord has made us all in his image. God is love, therefore, our make is “to love.” We were not designed by God to destroy someone or to hurt others. This is why his greatest command is summed up in loving God above all and loving others as you love yourself.
Lord, help me to hear your convictions whenever I do any of these things you detest.
How can one avoid all the things that God hates?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at


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Nov 27
Good people pass away; the godly often die before their time. But no one seems to care or wonder why. No one seems to understand that God is protecting them from the evil to come. For those who follow godly paths will rest in peace when they die.
– Isaiah 57:1-2(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you often wonder why good people die early?
Don’t they deserve to live long and share God’s victory?
No one seems to understand why God allows these things
The Father is protecting them from all kinds of sins.
The Lord shields those who love him faithfully
He wants them to remain pure and live freely
Good people are taken early so they can abide in him
They will rest in peace because they have been redeemed.
Have you ever wondered why the good people die early? I remember my grandfather who was the only person who gave me comfort when I was growing up. Everyone around him were cruel and harsh, but he had a very gentle and caring heart. He listens and encourages those around him. He works so earnestly using his hands and creativity. Whenever I was with him, I felt safe, secure and understood. God took him early. In the past, I couldn’t understand why.
The bible says in Isaiah 57 that God takes good people early because he is protecting them from evil.
Lord, thank you for your protection over your faithful ones.
How many good people did you know have passed away early in their lives?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at