August 9
A poem by ILMA
I can hardly believe the report about the sexual immorality among you
I am told that a man in your church is allowed to do wrong
He living in sin with his stepmother and you are all so proud of it
You should be mourning in sorrow and remove him in your fellowship.
Even though I am not with you in person, I am with you spiritually
And as though I were there, I have already passed judgment on wickedness
You must call a meeting of the church and I’ll be with you in spirit
And so, will the Lord Jesus Christ also will be with you all present.
Then you must throw this man out and hand him over to Satan
So that his sinful nature will be destroyed and he himself will be saved
Your boasting about this tolerance of this sin is terrible and shameful
Don’t you realize that the sin is like yeast that spreads through the whole dough?
Get rid of the old “yeast” by removing this wicked person from among you
It isn’t my responsibility to judge outsiders and who haven’t vowed to God
It is certainly your responsibility to judge those believers who are sinning
God will judge unbelievers but you must remove evil people amongst you.
God will judge those on the outside; but as the Scriptures say, “You must remove the evil person from among you.”– 1 Corinthians 5:13
Read: 1 Corinthians 5
In this chapter, we see how Paul confronts the church for allowing sin to thrive amongst the members of the church. Some believers have lived compromised lives that have been tolerated by other members of the church. Paul reminds us that we are to ensure that the body of Christ isn’t defiled by those who claim to be committed to Jesus.
• Why do you think the other members of the church didn’t confront the sin committed by one of its members? Should you allow a brother to continue to fall?


December 26________________________________________
No one who trusts in you will ever be disgraced, disgrace comes to those who try to deceive others. – Psalm 25:3 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Those who trusts in the Lord Jesus Christ
They will be guaranteed a shame-free life
The Lord protects those who honor him
He does everything to ensure their integrity.
When you deceive others intentionally
You will be full of shame and disgraced instantly
The Lord commands us to walk in love and peace
He wants us to live in purity and to stay always free.
In my dark past, I have lived with people who have compromised their lives and have no integrity. The hardest people to be with are those who are dishonest and always out to deceive others to get what they want. What a shameful life it was to be these people. I became accessory to their evil ways because I was so scared to lose these relationships. By doing so, I lived a life of shame as well.
I thank God that he has freed me from these lies that I lived in and freed me from the fear of not being loved. I am grateful that I was no longer a slave of my desires and cravings. What matters most to me now is to trust the Lord and obey his commands. When I did, I was freed from shame and guilt.
Lord, thank you for being the only one I can truly trust.
What do you do when you see someone you love deceives others?
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