birthright convention2012 006

April 25 The Power of God’s Word

My heart is breaking as I remember how it used to be. Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again – my Savior and my God. –Psalm 42:4, 5 (NLT)

A poem by ILMA
Is your heart broken and sad?
Pray to God so you will be glad
Allow him to hear your hurts and pain
Then praise him for his mighty name.
Put your hope in God despite adversities
Even if you can’t see a glimpse of hope in your difficulties
Don’t listen to the enemy’s lies and deception
Let your lips release God’s word to fight temptations.
Do you get days when you just feel sad, lonely or discouraged? Sometimes a situation or a medical condition can bring someone down. It could probably because you are not getting enough rest or nutrition. Maybe someone has let you down or didn’t live up to your expectations.
The psalmist in psalm 42 gives us a remedy to sadness and discouragement. He poured out his brokenness to the Lord and chose to put his hope in God. He also praised God and called his name as his Savior and God. Worship and praise remedies these feelings. We have the choice to choose to live beyond our feelings and praise God.
Lord, replace my negative feelings with your truth.
Why do you think praise stops sadness?