port elgin camping 2012 224

May 24________________________________________
Never pay back evil with more evil. Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable. – Romans 12:17(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you pay back evil with more evil?
When you do, you are cooperating with the devil
Say no to revenge because that is the opposite of love
Do things honorable just like your Father from up above.
Let the Lord fight your battles and win it
It is pointless to do it without his Spirit
Walk in love so you can say no to retaliation
Let God take control of all your tribulations.
Many people avenge when they get wronged. I used to do so when I wasn’t filled with God’s spirit. I believe that when we live a rebellious life, it is easy to submit to the idea of revenge. It never really did me good to retaliate, because I lose in the end. I eventually lose that relationship anyway, but I also lose my closeness to God when I participate in the evil act of vengeance. When I take it in my hands, I am actually telling God that I don’t need him to fight for me, I can do it. It is almost telling God that I don’t need him.The bible tells us to never pay back evil for more evil but to do things that are honorable.
Lord, let me never retaliate when people do me wrong.
What should we do to avoid retaliating those who do us wrong?
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