Key to Your Life poem devotional

November 21
You can make this choice by loving the Lord your God, obeying him and committing yourself firmly to him. This is the key to your life. -Deuteronomy 30:20(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you know the purpose of your life?
Are you walking in God’s light?
The key to your life is to choose the Lord
You must obey and bring him laud.
Seek the Lord and study his word
It will help you navigate this world
Commit yourself to him regularly
You will receive favor and blessings daily.
Many people live their lives without knowing their purpose. The Lord inspired many writers to compile his words so that we can be guided as to the meaning of our lives. How do you know your destiny? God created us all so that we can become like him. He is love and our default setting is to love. If we don’t operate in love, we lose sight of what it the meaning of our lives.
The key to life is to make a choice to love God, obey and commit to him all your entire body, mind, soul, spirit. When we do this, we get a clearer picture of how he operates. He is totally different from what the world says or dictates. If you want you gain success in anything, you need to commit yourself to God so he can fulfill his promise in your life.
Lord, help me to never lose sight of my purpose in your kingdom.
How have you manifested your commitment to the Lord?
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