monocliff 2011 035

January 24
Therefore, accept each other just as Christ has accepted you so that God will be given glory. –Romans 15:7 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you suffer from criticism and rejection?
Are you seeking approval from all your relations?
Do people constantly misunderstand your intentions?
Do not worry about human interpretations.
Accept others just as Christ has accepted you
It brings God glory when your mind is renewed
Forgive one another just as you are forgiven by the Father
He created us all different but he wants us to love one another.
Criticism and rejection are very harsh things to experience. I grew up in an environment where these experiences enslaved almost five decades of my life. Acceptance was hardly present in my growing years. I learned to cope with these painful events by doing my best to seek approval. You can imagine what havoc it brought to my life. Being an approval addict made me lose my identity.
The bible tells us to accept each other just as Christ has accepted us so that God will be glorified. In other words, when we don’t accept ourselves and others as God designed us to be, we are questioning God’s creation. We are dishonoring what God made by trying to change the way he did that person. Acceptance is a manifestation of love. Without it, criticism and rejection thrive and results in conflicts.
Lord, thank you for accepting me.
How can you accept others?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s Poem Devotionals, or go to or to receive emails of the poem devotionals, email me at


mill creek date with dan 218

May 1                                                                       The Power of God’s Word
And may the Lord our God show us his approval and make our efforts successful. –Psalm 90:17(NLT)

A poem by ILMA
Do you find yourself fixated on pleasing someone?
Do you try to search for happiness from everyone?
Do you consult God for every little plan you make?
Do you just do things for your own sake?
May the Lord show you his approval and consent
In all you do, seek his guidance and his presence
Whenever you confer with him, he gives you insight
If you ask in faith, you will bring him joy and delight.
I was raised to be very independent and was surrounded by people who were self-reliant. Identifying and discussing problems and issues in our families were taboo. The authorities in my life made it a point that all issues are dismissed and never talked about. I grew up making my own decisions without consulting anyone and I took pride in doing so. Each time I make the right one, I pat myself on the back for it, as if it was an achievement.
The bible tells us to align all our plans, choices and decisions with God. We will be blessed and anointed if we seek God’s consent rather than other people’s viewpoint. When we seek God first, he will grant our efforts and make it successful.
Lord, help me to seek your counsel always.
Why is it important to get God’s approval?