SIN BRINGS DEATH Poem Devotional


September 17________________________________________
You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away.
Colossians 2:13(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
To live out of God’s will brings darkness
It deprives us of all God’s promises
While you continually live in rebellion
You won’t be able to resist temptations.
Sin brings death, gloom and pain
Obedience brings God’s truth and gain
When you are not born again in Christ
Your sinful nature lingers in your life.
Death means a separation of two things. Physical death is a separation of body and soul (Ecclesiastes 12:7). Spiritual death is a separation between God and man (Isaiah 59:1-2). Dead to sin is a separation between Christians and sins (Romans 6:2,11). Dead to law is separation between Christians and the law (Romans 7:4). Marriage dissolved by death is a separation between the husband and the wife (1 Corinthians 7:39). What forms of death are you experiencing in life today?
The bible tells us that when we become believers and born again in Christ, we are automatically separated from sin. When we are born again, all our past sins were erased and we get a clean slate again. We are like newborn, pure and innocent. As soon as we believe in Christ, his light shines on us and no darkness lives in us. Those who still are living in the dark, they haven’t committed to Christ.
Help me to rely on your strength, Lord.
What sins have Christ clearly cut in your life?
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