June 18
The way of the wicked is like total darkness. They have no idea what they are stumbling over. – Proverbs 4:19(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Is there something in your life that you cannot understand?
Was there an experience that kept you fearful and sad?
The ways of the wicked is like total darkness
They are stumbling and feel hopeless.
They have no idea how to get out of this pit
Because they have already grieved the Holy Spirit
Wickedness will always bring you to desolation
Righteousness on the other hand, leads to salvation.
Have you ever experienced groping in a dark room or place? If it is something you are familiar with, just like going to the bathroom in the middle of your sleep, it’s probably not a big deal. When it is some place or situation that you are unfamiliar with, it poses a bigger challenge. As you walk in that dark area, you stumble over things or can fall over something. It might even be dangerous and cost you to get hurt.
The bible explains how the ways of the wicked is like total darkness where they stumble over things. Proverbs is likening it to life. When we remain in our evil ways, we become blinded by the enemy from the lies he tells us. We are unable to see the truth because we get absorbed in worldly ways
Lord, help me to be able to discern when I go astray.
How can we totally avoid evil ways?
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