Sept 20th 102

November 5________________________________________
When Joseph woke up, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded and took Mary as his wife. – Matthew 1:24(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
What areas of your life have you been unwilling to submit?
Is it a relationship struggle, a career or a failure to commit?
When Joseph woke up, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded
He didn’t question or argue why God has clearly demanded
Despite his initial doubt about the situation
God revealed to him the importance of his submission
Submitting to God’s will is an act of love and obedience
It brings us closer to God’s promises which is all sufficient.
I lived many decades of my life doing things my way. No wonder I failed many times and had so much trouble navigating through life. I was made to believe by the world that life is about what you make it. In God’s economy, it is totally the opposite. Life is about submitting our lives totally to him.
How was Jesus born? God used Joseph and Mary to bring his only begotten Son here on earth to fulfill our salvation as promised in Scriptures. Why did God choose Joseph and Mary of all people? In Matthew 1:24 and in Luke 1:38, we both see the common denominator with these two special persons that God chose. They submitted to God’s will without question.
Lord, change me so I can totally surrender my life to you.
Why do you think submission to God’s will was God’s criteria for choosing Christ’s parents?
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