OBEYING CHRIST Poem Devotional

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Sept 16                                                                     The Power of God’s Word
We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.
-2 Corinthians 10:5 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Have you faithfully given your life to Christ?
Is there any part of you that still fights?
Destroy every proud obstacle that keeps you from knowing
Capture your rebellious thoughts and continually seek him.
To love Christ is to completely obey
Follow him and do whatever he says
Let all your faculties surrender to his ways
Through your obedience, Christ will reign.
One of my biggest weaknesses before I totally submitted my life to Christ was my rebellious mind. I was raised to think very independently and not to rely on anyone for any decisions in my life. It brought havoc to my life because I never consulted Christ’s plans for me. I lived a life to please my own will and desires. As a consequence of doing things on my own, the enemy got a good reason to manipulate me into disobedience.
The bible tells us that we must remove every obstacle that keeps us from knowing God. We need to capture our thoughts and make it obedient to Christ. By complete surrender, we reap a harvest of all the promises of God. We fulfill all that God wants for us.
Lord, show me when I resist obeying you.
How is obedience an antidote to rebellion?