quebec canyon and alton ir 133

July 21
Wise people think before they act; fools don’t and even brag about their foolishness
– Proverbs 13:16(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When you are sensible, you will think before you act
Thoughtlessness is dangerous and is very unwise
Wise people think before acting and making decisions
Fools don’t think, they live in their own delusions.
When you don’t think before you act, you make mistakes
It puts you in trouble and sometimes lead to high stakes
It is prudent to calculate your actions and their consequences
Fools don’t ruminate, they even brag about their foolishness.
I once lived with someone who only acts on impulse. He never liked to plan. It was very hard to be with him because everything has to be spontaneous. I think that it is great to have spontaneity, but I also know that planning is one of the marks of a good leader and manager. I used to be a stickler for planning, but my creative side balanced this obsession to micro-manage everything. I learned to plan and not be upset when what I originally thought of do not happen exactly as I visualized. I found out that it is good to think in a box but also good to have an open mind to think out of the box. The bible tells us that wise people think before they act while fools don’t and even flaunt their foolishness.
Lord, guide me to be prudent always.
How can thoughtlessness bring about chaos?
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