May 12
A poem by ILMA
One day as Jesus saw the crowds gathering, he went up the mount
He sat down and his disciples gathered around him and began to teach
He started saying that the kingdom of heaven is for those who are poor
These poor people are those who also recognize their need for the Lord.
Those who are grieving will be blessed for they will be comforted
Those who are humble will surely receive the whole earth
While those who hunger and thirst for justice will be satisfied
God blesses those who are forgiving, for they will be shown mercy.
The promise for those with pure hearts is that they will see God
Those who work and pursue peace will be called His children
While the ones who are persecuted for doing what is right
They shall rejoice for the kingdom of heaven will surely be theirs.
Have joy when people insult, lie and say evil things because you’re a follower
A great reward awaits you in heaven, for the ancient prophets suffered the same
These were the teachings of Jesus to those who want to enter God’s kingdom
These were encouraging teachings about the promises to those who love Him.
God blesses those who are merciful for they will be shown mercy. – Matthew 5:7
Read: Matthew 5
What a wonderful way of wording the old testament law of Moses. Jesus’ sermon on the mount focused on what not to do but on the promises of what awaits those who love and follow the ways of the Lord.
• What was the most encouraging promise for you on this sermon on the mount?
• Why do you think it is important to focus on positive things rather than putting it in a rule or a law?
• What is the greatest among these promises for you as a believer? Why?