winter 2013 landscapes 026

October 22
I will certainly bless you and I will multiply your descendants beyond number. Then Abraham waited patiently and he received what God has promised.
– Hebrews 6:14-15(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Is there anything that you have been waiting for?
Continue to be patient and rely on the Lord
He will certainly bless you and multiply what you sow
He wants you to live joyfully and have fruits grow.
Abraham waited patiently and he received
Be hopeful and enjoy life so you won’t be deceived
The fruit of patience is your dream’s realization
Because of faith, Abraham became father of all nations.
Patience in Hebrew is qawah, which means “to wait” or “to expect”. Parents have this joyful expectancy to see the fruit of their love come to life, their offspring. I will never forget that experience when I gave birth. I can’t stop watching my baby and figuring out how he lived inside of me and then become a person when he came out of my womb. I loved that verse from the bible that says that God intricately woven me in my mother’s womb. Before I gave birth, I experienced a lot of discomfort and pain but it was all worth it when I met my baby.
God promises to multiply our resources and blessings if we wait patiently and endure. He wants us to continue believing even through suffering.
Lord, thank you for allowing me to suffer so I can expect your fruits.
Why do you think patience is a very valuable trait a Christian can possess?
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