November 11
All nations surrounded me;
In the name of the LORD I will certainly fend them off.
11 They surrounded me, yes, they surrounded me;
In the name of the LORD I will certainly fend them off.
12 They surrounded me like bees;
They were extinguished like a fire of thorn bushes;
In the name of the LORD I will certainly fend them off.
13 You pushed me violently so that I [was falling,
But the LORD helped me. 14 The LORD is my strength and song,
And He has become my salvation.
15 The sound of joyful shouting and salvation is in the tents of the righteous;
The right hand of the LORD performs valiantly.
16 The right hand of the LORD is exalted;
The right hand of the LORD performs valiantly.
17 I will not die, but live, and tell of the works of the LORD.
18 The LORD has disciplined me severely,
But He has not turned me over to death. -Psalm 118:10-18
________________________________________ comments on this psalm as: “Quoting Miriam’s song (Exodus 15:2), the singer knew not only that God could bring strength and a song, but that Yahweh Himself became their strength and the song of those who put their trust in Him. Going even further, the psalmist understood that Yahweh had become his salvation. Yahweh is these things for His people. When the LORD is our strength, it means that He is our resource and our refuge. We look to Him for our needs, and we are never unsatisfied. When the LORD is our song, it means that He is our joy and our happiness. We find our purpose and life in Him, and He never disappoints. When the LORD is our salvation, it means we put our trust for help and deliverance in none other. He is our rest and rescue. With all this true, it emphasizes the importance of seeking God Himself when we need strength, a song, or salvation. Often, we seek the things themselves, sometimes as even detached from God Himself. To seek God and to receive Him is to receive all these profound gifts.” We all need to learn to strengthen our dependence on God alone. Even though we live in this world, we need to live for eternity.
• When was the last time you made the Lord your strength and song?