island lake2013 reflector studies 023-003

June 1________________________________________
“Look!” he said. “The people are united, and they all speak the same language. After this, nothing they set out to do will be impossible for them! -Genesis 11:6(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When two or three are speaking the same language
They begin to understand each other and become bonded
Nothing they set out to do will be impossible
Their minds will be united and anything is conceivable.
When there is division in a group or relationship
It is not possible to finish any form of craftsmanship
The power of harmony and agreement is crucial
It brings about trust and solidarity which are both essential.
In the narration about the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11, we are given a picture of the power of unity amongst people. The chapter begins by telling us that once upon a time, all people of the world spoke the same language and there were no communication barriers. Because of this, they started to plan to build a tower that would reach the sky so that the whole world will look up to them and they can become famous and that they won’t have to be scattered all over the world. In this chapter, we see that God scattered them to different places and made them speak different languages to confuse them and not continue the building of the tower of Babel which became an idol for them.
Lord, help us to work in unison with other Christians to spread the gospel.
Describe or narrate an instance when unity proved beneficial.

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