barrie visit 2011 364

March 22
How can a young person stay pure? By obeying your word. –Psalm 119:9(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Can doing good keep your heart pure?
Are you falling into the devil’s lure?
Obedience to God’s word is the secret to purity
The enemy cannot penetrate if you obey faithfully.
It is lawlessness that opens doors for the enemy
Follow God’s commands and you’ll have victory
While you are still young, make the habit of obeying
It will benefit your life and keep you from suffering.
There were many lawless years I lived. I thank the Lord that he has saved me and freed me from the spirit of rebellion and disobedience. It was tiring to constantly prove that everyone was wrong and I was right. I filled my mind and heart with all the worldly pursuits that didn’t really aligned with God’s will and commands. Because of many painful experiences in my childhood, rebellion became my coping mechanism which utterly destroyed me and many relationships I was involved with.
The bible tells us the secret to purity. It is by obeying God’s word that we can stay pure. When we hunger and seek only the truth that comes from the word of God, we are protected from lies. We can easily detect the enemy’s ploy if we know the truth. Without the truth, we will easily be deceived by lies.
Lord, show me how to obey you constantly.
How can obedience be a factor in maintaining your heart pure?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s Poem Devotionals, or go to or to receive emails of the poem devotionals, email me at