November 6
And God will use this persecution to show his justice and to make you worthy of his Kingdom, for which you are suffering. In his justice, he will pay back those who persecute you. – 2 Thessalonians 1:5-6(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When people persecute you because of Jesus
Don’t be discouraged, you know that you are precious
He will make you overcome victory over your suffering
He will make you strong, so keep on praising Him.
He uses injustices in your life to grow your faith
Don’t ever give up; it will surely change your fate
Pray that you will remember Christ’s sacrifice for you
Seek his word and let your mind be constantly renewed.
When we get discriminated or marginalized, we automatically become defensive or shut down. The bible tells us to look at the upside of persecution. The book of James even tells us to be joyful when we have suffering because it can grow our faith. God allowed the Israelites to be slaves to the Egyptians so they can learn to become more trusting and dependent on him. Despite their unfaithfulness, he was guiding them day and night and patiently waiting for them to focus on him. He never left them. He longs for them to have victory over their strongholds and bondages. He allowed them to go through testing so they can overcome evil and be able to fulfill his plans for his own people.
Thank you for being faithful especially during trials.
What have you gone through that God faithfully delivered you from?
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