March 26
12 When I send Artemas or Tychicus to you, make every effort to come to me at Nicopolis, for I have decided to spend the winter there. 13 Diligently help Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their way so that nothing is lacking for them. 14 Our people must also learn to engage in good deeds to meet pressing needs, so that they will not be unproductive.15 All who are with me greet you. Greet those who love us in the faith.
– Titus 3:12-15
Paul concludes this letter asking Titus to greet the following fellow believers. He also tells Titus to help Zenas and Apollos who had delivered the message and to ensure that he does his best to visit him at Nicopolis, as he is spending winter there. These were the people mentioned in the closing remarks of this letter of Paul to Titus:
1. Artemas- According to Smith’s bible dictionary, he is a faithful minister, cooperating with Paul, Ti 3:12, who thought him worthy to take the place of Titus at Crete, while the latter spent the winter with the apostle at Nicopolis. According to ISB encyclopedia, he is one of the seventy disciples and bishop of Lystra, according to Dorotheus
2. Tychicus – was one of Paul’s most trusted messengers. He was the bearer of the letters to the Colossian and the Ephesian Churches (Colossians 4:7; Ephesians 6:21).
3. Apollos was the well-known teacher (Acts 18:24).
4. Zenas- According to ISB encyclopedia the name in full would probably be Zenodorus, literally, meaning “the gift of Zeus”. Paul calls Zenas “the lawyer.” The meaning of this is, that, previous to his becoming a Christian, he had been a Jewish lawyer. The lawyers were that class of Jewish teachers who were specially learned in the Mosaic Law, and who interpreted that Law, and taught it to the people.
Paul always has a recurring closing message in most of his letters to the believers. He always reminds them to engage in good deeds. In verse 14, he instructs them that if they continue to attend to the pressing needs of others, they will always be productive. Like a father to all these believers, Paul wants them to bear fruits as they follow the gospel of Jesus Christ. He knows that if they become complacent and not serving others, they may be unproductive. As he mentions in his letter to Galatians the fruit of the Spirit is a result of their faithful service to God and to others, especially those who are in need.
• How is meeting other people’s needs a clear manifestation of a true believer?