TRUST IN GOD’S POWER Poem Devotional

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September 7
I did this so you would trust not in human wisdom but in the power of God.
1 Corinthians 2:5(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you rely on your own strength and understanding?
Remember that your mind has limits comprehending
God on the other hand has boundless wisdom and power
Why won’t you trust him so that the enemy will cower.
He gave us his presence when we believed in him
We need to trust his Spirit’s prodding so we can win
Depending on human strength and knowledge is foolish
It will lead to failures and make us impoverished.
Many people put so much premium on their intelligence and knowledge. They take pride in knowing things that not other people possess. I used to be this kind of people. I read books and keep myself updated with information so I can have something to say to others whenever I get into conversations with them. I loved to argue and win a discussion, but thanks be to God that he freed me from such trivialities. It just showed how shallow I was and how immature it is to show off things that don’t really matter to God much.
The bible tells us that human understanding is limited but God’s wisdom is boundless. God designed this so that humans will find strength in their weaknesses and depend on God’s wisdom and power.
Lord, help me remember that I can only have strength through you.
When was the last time you witnessed to man’s limited understanding compared to God’s boundless wisdom?
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