STAY AWAKE Poem Devotional

November 15
So be on guard, not asleep like the others. Stay alert and be clearheaded.
-1 Thessalonians 5:6(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Are you going through life conscious of your surroundings?
Do you give thanks to the Lord for all his gifts and blessings?
Be on guard, stay awake and alert for the enemy’s attacks
He is there to keep you defeated; be aware of his tactics.
Meditate on God’s word daily so you can be aware
It is a weapon to speak the truth when you are scared
Guard your heart and your mind; stay holy and pure
This way, the enemy cannot enter or get you lured.________________________________________
Many people live zombie lives. They go through life asleep. They don’t even know their purposes. Some have been spiritually dead for many years and do not find a reason to live. I, too, lived a dead life for many years because I was hypnotized by the enemy to believe so many lies that kept me blinded and dead to so many things. I grinded to work to satisfy my own desires and to prove that I was worth something. I didn’t realize that God was always there for me, just waiting to be asked for help. I made my own decisions without consulting him or his truth. I lived a life that catered only to my physical body and mind. I failed to feed my spirit.
Lord, keep me awake always with your truth.
How can we stay awake and be clearheaded in life?
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