AS WHITE AS WOOL Poem Devotional

winter 2013 landscapes 001

February 8________________________________________
Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow. Though they are red as crimson, I will make them as white as wool. Isaiah 1:18 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
By the blood of Jesus, you are purified from your sins
He sacrificed his life so you can be free and redeemed
Though our sins are like scarlet, it is now white as snow
Though they are red as crimson, now it’s as white as wool.
Come to the throne of God and be renewed in your mind
He never wants you to be perplexed and blind
Abide and seek him always all the days of your life
Then you will discover the true joy and peace in his light.
As a painter using watercolors, I know that it is impossible to make white from something that is red. The addition method is used in watercolor where you plan to work from light colors to dark and maintain a wash effect on the paper while water runs with the colors that you use. You either use a white paper and leave it white then color the different parts of the painting progressively from light to dark hues.
The bible compares our sins to the color crimson red. Jesus’ blood which is another shade of red is the one that turned as white as snow or wool.
Lord, thank you for your sacrifice to purify me.
What sins have you been cleansed when you committed to Christ as your Lord and Savior?
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