December 7________________________________________
Every plant not planted by my heavenly Father will be uprooted. – Matthew 15:13(NLT
A poem and essay by ILMA
God the Father is like the good gardener
He plants seeds and ensure they are watered
He sees to it that they get all the nutrients they need
He plants them where they would thrive and breed.
When weeds invade the garden of our heavenly Father
He uproots each of them that wants to take over his garden
He sorts out all those that he didn’t’ intend to be there
He cares for all that he planted and watches their progress.
Have you ever gardened or even take care of one plant? If you have, I am sure you understand how much care is needed for that plant to grow. I always loved trees and meadows and gardens but where I originally came from, the Philippines, we didn’t have much space to mostly have a garden. I lived in the city so it was very congested. My first boyfriend got me interested in plants and fishes in aquariums. As early as a young teenager, I have always been caring for houseplants and fishes or sometimes birds. I remember an old friend was amazed how I cared for fishes, birds and plants. When I moved to Canada, my 20 -year old plants were still alive. God uproots any weeds from his
people to ensure his will transpires.
Lord, thank you for nurturing and caring for me.
What weeds have popped out in your life that needs to be uprooted by God?
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