August 4
31 Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all things for the glory of God. 32 Do not offend Jews or Greeks, or the church of God; 33 just as I also please everyone in all things, not seeking my own benefit but the benefit of the many, so that they may be saved. – 1 Corinthians 10:31-33
Paul reminds the Corinthian believers to make sure that everything they do, whether eating or drinking, they have to glorify God. Why is it important for us to be mindful of the motives behind what we do? Because our sin nature is so pervasive in us, we need to do the opposite of what its default is. Paul clearly says this too in his letter to the Romans in in chapter 7 verse 15 where he says that we don’t understand what we are doing for we want to do good but end up doing what we hate. Our nature wants to do what is sinful but the Spirit wants us to do the opposite. When our motives focus on the self, it will definitely not glorify the Lord. The “self” wants to satisfy its cravings and not bow down to the Lord God. This nature was the consequence of the first sin of Adam and Eve. Because they disobeyed the Lord, they incurred the punishment of that desire to become as knowledgeable as God. We inherited that nature and we need to go against it by purposefully choosing to do the will of God.
Because the Corinthians were asking so many questions about what to eat or drink, Paul addressed their hearts in this letter. He stresses that they only serve one Master, God himself. They cannot cater to their whims and desires and old customs since it will be against serving God. In verse 32, Paul brings an important admonition. He stresses the importance of ensuring that they do not offend anyone and do their best to please everyone for the sake of the gospel. Paul isn’t telling them to be people pleasers but God pleasers. It is very easy to be deceived by thinking that we want to please God by pleasing others. But if its purpose is self-motivated and not to preach the gospel, a believer may be compromising their faith. He brings out a very important principle of living in peace in the last verse: seeking the benefit of many and not of our own. How often do we seek our own welfare and look after our needs and not take into consideration others’ welfare? We live in this world where Satan rules and each time we are motivated by self-seeking desires, we will struggle to follow the Spirit’s leading. “Whatever you do, do it for the glory of God.” That is Paul’s antidote to selfishness for the Christians.
• How can we always remember to do things for the glory of God?