WINNING US BACK Poem Devotional

April 23________________________________________
But then I will win her back once again. I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her there. -Hosea 2:14(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
The Lord loves us unconditionally
Even when we behave lawlessly
He forgives us our sins when we repent
He comforts our hearts when we lament.
He wins us back when we rebel and disobey
He lets the Spirit convict us when we go astray
He speaks to us wisely and gives us discernment
If we depend on him, he will give us enlightenment.
When I lost someone’s love because of a wrong decision I made, I began to pursue to win back his trust. I asked for forgiveness and became accountable for what I did. Forgiveness can be granted easily, but sometimes, trust may take a while to happen. If the person repeatedly changed his behavior, then the other party may start to build the trust again and the relationship may be repaired. But if the offending partner do not follow through his or her word, there may be consequences that will ensue from the lack of accountability.
The bible tells us an account of God’s great love for Israel. Despite his people’s unfaithfulness, he still wins her back and brings her to a place where they initially became lovers. He shows how much he grants us grace and mercy despite all our sins.
Lord, thank you for loving me unconditionally.
How do you respond to God’s winning you back when you turn your back on him?
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