October 4
A poem by ILMA
To all believers, honor those who lead you and do the work of God
They work earnestly among you to give you spiritual guidance
Show them great respect and wholehearted love because of what they’re doing
Live peacefully with each other; we urge you to warn those who are lazy.
Encourage those who are shy and take tender care of those who are weak
Be patient with everyone and see no one pays evil for evil and be good to all
Always be joyful; never stop praying and be thankful in all situations
God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus is to let the Spirit live in you.
Do not stifle the Holy Spirit and don’t mock prophecies, but test what’s said
Hold on to what is good and stay away from every kind of wickedness
May the God of peace make you holy and pure in every way
May your soul, body and spirit be kept faultless until Christ comes again.
See that no one pays back evil for evil, but always try to do good to each other and to all people. – 1 Thessalonians 5:15
Read: 1 Thessalonians 5:12-24
In this chapter, Paul reminds us of some wise words for believers. He tells them to honor those who work for God’s ministry. Peace is something that is always stressed in most of his teachings but loving others and paying attention to those who needs tender loving care like the weak and those who are shy. Being joyful and always praying and being thankful is also emphasized. But caution is spoken about how not to hinder the Spirit of God and ensuring that we test what his prophecy says.
• Why do you think Paul tells us not to avenge but to be good to all instead?
• What stifles the Holy Spirit?
• How can you test if the spirit is from the Lord or not?
• How can encouragement help those who are shy and weak?