February 22
By my power, I will make my people strong, and by my authority they will go wherever they wish. I, the Lord have spoken. – Zechariah10:12(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you have limitations with what you can do?
When you are born again, it changes, you are made new
He gives you authority to fulfill all that he has planned
By his power, he prospers you and make you “grand”
Without God’s grace, you can do nothing
All things are possible once he gives you the anointing
There is nothing impossible with the Almighty
He gives you strength to conquer and have victory.
During the dark times of my adult life, I experienced so much suffering and pain. I didn’t know that I caused all these traumatic experiences with the wrong choices I made. I also lived a life without a personal relationship with God. There were times I wondered how I survived such dreadful situations. I took credit for being a survivor. I didn’t realize that the Lord was the one who gave me supernatural strength to survive and thrive the many upheavals I had in life. He had a purpose when he allowed me to go through such circumstances. He was preparing me for something big in his ministry.
The bible says that apart from God, we can do nothing. It is through him that we get supernatural strength and power.
Lord, thank you for the power and authority you bestowed on all of mankind.
Why don’t people use the power and authority given to them by God?
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