
January 11________________________________________
It has come at last-salvation and power and the Kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters has been thrown down to earth.
– Revelations 12:10(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you find it hard to conquer sin?
Come to God so he can forgive you and redeem
There will be a time that salvation and power will reign
The Kingdom of God is manifest in Jesus’ name.
When he comes again, the accuser will be defeated
All believers will be holy and never have sins repeated
The enemy will cower over Christ’s authority
All Christians will rule as well and have victory.
Do you or did you ever struggle with sin? I was a bondage to sin for many years. What sin did to me was devastating. It made me rebel and disobey the Lord. It made me cater to my flesh and desires. I served myself for many years and was deluded to think that I was alright and that I actually was a good person. I did many things on my own will and effort. I wasn’t following God’s will therefore I never had victory over sin.
The bible describes to us how the end times will be in Revelation. Satan, the accuser of all believers will be defeated. Christ will rule and the enemy will be crushed under Jesus’ authority.
Lord, help me never to rely on myself to conquer sin, but to you alone.
Are you exercising your authority over the devil as a believer?
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