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July 8                                                                                       The Power of God’s Word
The wicked conceive evil; they are pregnant with trouble and give birth to lies. They dig a deep pit to trap others then fall into it themselves.
–Psalm 7: 14-15(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you conceive things that are evil or pure?
Are you easily trapped by the tactics of the devil and lured?
Those who are sinful conceive wickedness and are full of trouble
They give birth to lies which lead them to the rubbles.
Those who choose to turn away from righteousness
They dig a trap when they opt for wickedness
If you stay in God’s word and believe in him
You will avoid the folly of iniquity and be redeemed.
Have you ever experienced trouble after trouble? When you do, think carefully what your mind has been preoccupied with. Likely, selfishness and evil lurk inside you. This is why we have been cautioned to guard our hearts and choose only thoughts that are pure, lovely and beautiful. Once your mind swings to the negative realm and dwells on the self, the door opens for the enemy to consume you with wickedness. The bible says that the wicked conceive evil. They are pregnant with trouble and give birth to lies. The folly of wickedness is that they dig a deep pit which they themselves fall into.
Lord, keep me aligned with your truth.
Why is it important to avoid evil always?