October 6
A poem by ILMA
Pray that the gospel will spread rapidly and be honored wherever it goes
Pray too that we’ll be rescued from wicked people for everyone’s a believer
But the Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from evil
May the Lord lead your hearts into a full understanding of his love.
Stay away from all believers who live idle lives and don’t follow God’s word
For you know that you ought to imitate Christ in all you do
We worked hard day and night so we would not be a burden to anyone
We made sure that we are not dumping our load to God’s people.
Yet we hear that some believers are living idle lives, refusing to work
They meddle in other people’s affair and not respect others
We command such people and urge them in Christ’s name to settle down
They need to work for their own living and never get tired of doing good.
Take note of those who refuse to obey what we caution in this letter
Stay away from those who are lawless, so they will be humbled
Don’t think of them as enemies but warn them as you would a loved one
Treat them kindly and be patient with those who are in bondage and blind.
Pray, too, that we will be rescued from wicked and evil people, for not everyone is a believer. But the Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one.
– 2 Thessalonians 3:2-3
Read: 2 Thessalonians –3:1-14
It is easy to say that we are Christians but it is in our actions and our lives that we truly declare that we are true followers of Christ. In this chapter, we are cautioned not to be a burden to others and do our own work instead of depending on other’s kindness or generosity. We need to be able to work for our own living and never get tired of doing good.
• Why is it good for us to take care of ourselves and not meddle in other’s affairs?