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May 2                                                                                    The Power of God’s Word
For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world. –1 John2:16 (NLT)

A poem by ILMA
Do you indulge yourself in pleasures?
Do you get consumed by worldly treasures?
Do you rely on your own efforts to reach ambitions?
Do you take pride in your achievements and possessions?
Be careful you don’t succumb to cravings of this world
They enslave you and give the enemy an opening and a foothold
Yearnings of the flesh are not godly and righteous
They come from this world that is evil and vicious.
Consumerism is defined as the belief that it is good for people to spend a lot of money on goods and services. We are bombarded by all forms of media marketing to consume either a product or a service. These companies pay huge amounts of money to ensure that they create a need for people to purchase their product. They think of all kinds of strategies to persuade us that a want is actually a need in order to make us buy.
The bible tells us that these cravings are not from God but from this world. The moment we boast of our achievements and possessions, we endanger ourselves.
Lord, help me to have humility.
How can awareness of our cravings keep us humble?