island lake duck shots 2013 029April 27 The Power of God’s Word
Get all the advice and instruction you can, so you will be wise the rest of your life. –Proverbs 19:20 (NLT)
A poem by ILMA
Do you want to gain wisdom and insight?
Seek God’s word and your mind will be right
When you heed instructions from the wise
You will gain knowledge from good advice.
Get all the guidance and teachings you can take
They will help you avoid mistakes and heartaches
The secret to wisdom is seeking God’s word
It will bring victory over this corrupt world.
Have you ever talked to a very wise person? If you ask the secret to their wisdom, they will probably include a life full of challenges and opportunities to grow. My paternal grandmother always had a lot of wise words to share and inspiring stories that shows her insight about many different aspects of life.
The bible tells us that the secret to wisdom is to get all the advice and instructions you can. It will lead you to a rich and blessed life. Most people who only want to follow their own thinking don’t go very far in life. They stay where they are and are afraid of changes. Those who never want to listen to anyone’s advice or instruction end up having limited knowledge and insight.
Lord, give me humility to seek other’s advice and counsel.
Why is consulting someone else a good idea when making decisions?