June 4________________________________________
Her parents were overwhelmed, but Jesus insisted that they not tell anyone what had happened. -Luke 8:56 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When you are asked to keep something quiet
Are you inconspicuous and do you keep silent?
There is wisdom in exercising discretion
You will gain trust and avoid chaos and confusion.
Jesus never wanted to flaunt his powers
He wants you to be humble and love others
The wisdom of silence is beyond words
It brings about emotional and spiritual growth.
Proverbs 17:28 says that even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise and when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent. Isn’t that amazing that you might be misconstrued to be a genius just by keeping your mouth zipped? People would want to be with discreet and quiet people rather than those who can’t stop talking. There is something attractive about those who know how to keep silent and know how to say something at the right moment.
In Luke 8, we see Jesus healed some people. He requested the parents of one of those he healed to keep it to themselves because he needed to do his Father’s business. Sometimes, when we let some works we’ve done escape our lips, it can ruin what the Father’s plan is. We also cannot talk and hear what God is saying when we are not silent. There is wisdom in silence and discretion.
Lord, rend my mouth to only say what needs to be spoken.
Why are discreet people more attractive to be around with?
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