pinery camping 2014 and others 598September 12
Can we boast then that we have done anything to be accepted by God? No, because our acquittal is not based on obeying the law. It is based on faith. -Romans 3:27(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
What can we do to be accepted by Jesus Christ?
Can we boast that we have overcome difficulties in life?
Can we show off that we have done many good deeds?
Can following the rules be a good way to overcome sin?
There is no way we can work at our salvation
Only through faith alone we can be granted redemption
Our exoneration from sin is possible through faith
Only by trusting God can miracles be part of our fate.
I spent many years of my life performing. I did my best to live up to my parents’ expectation to be academically excellent. I became obsessed being a good parent to my only son. I proved my worth to everyone by being a painter, a stage actress, manager, photographer and teacher. I didn’t know that it was futile to do so because God already loves me anyway. It was all that should have mattered but I was so busy fixing myself and others around me that I missed out on what really God requires from us.
The bible tells us that we cannot boast of anything we have done to be approved by God. Only faith alone matters to him.
Lord, thank you for just loving me the way I am.
Why do you think God requires faith for us to be saved?
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