TO THE PATH OF PEACE Poem Devotional

dragonfly park and broadway 110

December 28________________________________________
Because of God’s tender mercy, the morning light from heaven is about to break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of peace. – Luke 1:78-79(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Are you constantly beset with discouragement and helplessness?
The mercy of God will bring you light from heaven during weaknesses
He will never allow his people to live in the shadow of death
He wants all things to work out for us; He give us the best.
He guides us to the path of peace, where we can enjoy life
He created us all so we can bask in his mercy and in his light
Are you in pursuit of peace and embracing it regularly?
Don’t compromise your relationship with God, seek it faithfully.
Our world is beset with so much conflict these days. There is war and rumors of it in many places. Children, women and the innocent are suffering because many people allow the spirit of conflict to prevail. Some believers are even choosing a life full of struggles and fights instead of pursuing the path of peace. The enemy has constantly blinded many of us to dismiss the importance of seeking peace at all cost. We allow the devil to make puppets of us all when we don’t chase peace.
Lord, help us to remember to choose peace at all times.
How can you maintain peace when you are surrounded by conflicts?
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