May 4
26 If anyone thinks himself to be religious, yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this person’s religion is worthless. 27 Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. – James 1:26-27
In this letter, James drives a point to the hearts of believers. He is cautioning them to be careful how they live their lives especially if they have already heard the gospel. He also warns them how religious leaders and teachers can be so focused on the law and their teachings and may have lost sight of truth. In verse 26, he tells them to be wary of how works of religion can lead them to deception in their own hearts and minds. James wanted them to know that honesty and adhering to the word of God will make them discern what is true and what is not. He stresses the importance of bridling their tongues. The Easton bible dictionary says Hebrews mahsom’ signifies a muzzle or halter or bridle, by which the rider governs his horse. I think that what James meant here is to control one’s tongue. Why is it so important to do so? Without restraint with words, one can sin. Even Solomon cautions us in Proverbs 21:23 that whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble. James explains that it leads to a deceived heart.
In verse 27, James brings the message of what true and undefiled religion is according to how God sees it. Pure religion is to take care and love the orphans and widows. You may be wondering why widows. We live in a different generation now, but in the time of Jesus widows are the most weak and vulnerable people. The notion that widows needed someone to take care of them rests on ideas about the legal and social status of women. Perhaps most important is the idea that widows could not possess their own property. A wife was dependent on her husband, and when he died, she went to live with her father’s household if he was alive, or to an adult son if she had one. Having a father or son was fortunate, because otherwise widows were entirely without resources. We are to care for the helpless and weak. As believers, we are also cautioned not to meddle with the systems of the world in order to stay pure and uncorrupted. Religion is not a denomination or church organization. It is a way of life that follows God’s law of loving the weak and vulnerable and keeping oneself holy and blameless.
• How has this teaching of changed your notion of religion based on the world?