
January 23________________________________________
To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away. – Matthew 25:29(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you see the gifts that God gave you generously?
Do you use well what you were given wholeheartedly?
Is it a gift to speak, teach, create, or give time to others?
Is it a passion for life or a chance to be a blessing to one another?
More will be given too those who use well that they received
They will have an abundance especially if they continue to give
Bless others unceasingly with the gifts you have been given
It shows your love for him and opens the gates of heaven.
Many people live their lives without even recognizing what gifts they have been given by God. They get so wrapped up in the world’s constant dictate to want more and miss out on what they already have. The enemy blinds people with material wants instead of focusing on using what they already have.
I have been blessed with so much talents and spiritual gifts but for many years I didn’t use it to glorify God but I wanted recognition for them. It didn’t take long when God finally revealed to me that I haven’t been using it for his glory.
Lord, let me have a grateful heart to recognize all that you have given me.
What gifts can you hone to bring God more glory?
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