WALK IN FREEDOM Poem Devotional

stormy clouds 2012 073

June 4                                                       The Power of God’s Word
I will walk in freedom, for I have devoted myself to your commandments.
–Psalm 119:45(NLT)

A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you walk in love or in fear?
Is your mind constantly stirred?
Do you allow the Spirit to bring you wisdom?
Are you faithful to walk in love to gain freedom?
The commandments will release you from bondage to sin
Obedience to his commands keeps you strong and empowers you within
Walk in freedom by devoting yourself to God’s truth
It frees you from slavery to anything that has taken root.
Generational sins, curses and patterns are attitudes, actions, beliefs, behaviors, and/or habits that we have inherited from our family or relatives. We then “enter into” the same sin pattern and make it our own. It is usually repeated throughout our life as well as by individuals in successive generations. It took many decades before I was released from generational sins passed on in my family of origin. I am thankful to God for breaking the patterns in my family through me. It didn’t exempt me from the effects of these generation sins, but God used it to reclaim me and my entire clan. The bible tells us that freedom is the result of devoting our lives to following God’s commands. Obedience will protect us from the bondage to sin.
Lord, help me to obey you always.
Why is obedience an integral part in our salvation?