March 11
Why do you continue to invite punishment? Must you rebel forever? Your head is injured and your heart is sick. – Isaiah 1:5(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When you turn your back on Christ
You are surely endangering your life
When you rebel, you are inviting punishment
Lawlessness deprives you of God’s promises.
Confess and repent your disobedience
You must learn to give up resentment
Why do you live in chastisement?
Choose God and you will have enlightenment.
Have you ever invited someone in your home who is totally opposed to your beliefs? In the past, I had many friends who were unbelievers and even those who claimed they were Christians, didn’t actually practice and obey God’s will and commands. It didn’t matter to me what they were before because I wasn’t born again that time. When the Lord freed me from all my strongholds and invited me to live a free life, I accepted it. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, I got convicted of rebellion. It was one of those strongholds that I inherited from my family. Almost the majority of my relatives were rebels in one way or another. There were those that defied their parents, others lived promiscuous lives. Some were always arguing with authority.
The bible tells us how the Lord warned the Israelites to stop rebelling for it invites punishment in their lives.
Lord, deliver me from any form of rebellion.
Why do you think rebellion opens door for suffering?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to www.ilmaarts.com posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at ILMA.ARTS.STUDIO@gmail.com