October 25
A poem by ILMA
Many people find it hard to see the upside of trouble
As believers, we are instructed to be joyful when trials come
We can consider it an opportunity to let our faith grow
When faith grows, endurance follows then we will be whole.
If you want wisdom, ask the Lord and be sure you only have faith in him
Don’t waver like the waves of the sea that’s tossed by the wind
Don’t expect to receive anything if you are loyal to this world
That would displease the Lord who wants you to be faithful.
Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry
Anger doesn’t allow you to have the righteousness God wants
Rid yourself of all wickedness and accept God’s word
It has power to save you from the corruption of this world.
For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. – James 1:3-4
Read: James 1:1-18
The book of James is one of my favorites in the bible. When I was newly born again, it was this book that made me walk into the freedom that God has given me as a new creation in Christ. It was very straightforward and practical but allowed me to grow in my understanding of the importance of
• Why do you think being quick to listen is beneficial for us Christians instead of speaking quickly?
• What happens if you allow anger to become habitual?
• Why is studying and accepting God’s word essential in a believer’s life?
• Have you ever felt joy from having much trials?
• Why is unbelief and wavering an obstacle to answered prayers?